Stage Management | Set Design

(An early drawing of my vision for the set after reading the script)

(A 3d render of how the set would look in real life-- before paint treatments)
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(The final iteration of the set as seen on stage--specifically in the public amenity look)
(A draft of 1/3 flown scenic pieces-- used to establish the UGC HQ from the city street)
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(Another flown piece of scenery which was brought in for the "secret hideout" look)
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(The final flown element-- a heart made of light, used for scenes of love and courage)
(One of many construction drawings used to instruct people on how to build the set)

(Skeleton of the set being used in rehearsal)
(Arial view of the set with elevations; some pieces such as the buildings or signs moved)

(Early set construction: crash pad platform)

(Early set construction: trapdoor platform)
(A breakdown of the trapdoor in the top of the set-- made as an entrance to the sewers)
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(Officer Lockstock and Little Sally on the street corner of Public Amenity #9)
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(Stage picture from the end of the show)
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(Scenery being used for a formation in the end of "Look At the Sky")