Stage Management | Set Design

(An early drawing of my vision for the set after reading the script)

(A 3d render of how the set would fit together in real life-- before paint treatments)
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(The final iteration of the set as seen on stage--with functional fan and roll door)

(A draft used to map out the pieces of the back wall which was broken into two layers)
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(A picture of the back wall from behind-- before painting and before the windows, fan, and roll door were added)
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(A front view of the back wall after the second layer was put up)
Paint Treatment

(View of the set after the basecoat was applied)
Paint treatment

(Backwall after concrete texture was applied)
paint treatment

(Final wall treatment with aging)
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(Set during tech week after implementing projections in the windows)
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(Set during tech week in stylized lighting look)
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(Lighting through window giving ethereal look to the purgatory setting)
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(3d modeled variation of the set-- fitted with a larger roll door and a second level on the front and back side of the window)
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(Early drawing of design layout, including vegetation placement and hung rafters)
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(Another view of the initial design for the warehouse setting)